Adobe Rgb Profile

Let's start by putting an end to a strange belief about sRGB...

Because of a mistake in profile assignment at the opening of a photo, I often hear that with sRGB profile colors are dull!!! That sRGB is not so great. That it confirms the reputation of this color space. While it's just a technical mistake! Let's see that in details.

Little reminder because it doesn't go without saying!

To be displayed in Photoshop, a photo has to have an ICC profile. We've seen it in the previous page, choosing your working space in Photoshop . It's the ICC profile that will give it its 'true' colors. (I recommend you to read my page about profile assignment for further details. Indeed, an RGB value never represents a color (hence L*a*b*) theoretically. It is the color space or the ICC profile assigned that will give a colorimetric 'meaning' to an RGB value. So for a same RGB value (say 0, 255, 0), I won't get the same green (L*a*b*) in sRGB or in Adobe RGB: